I Am Sam

Soundtrack - I Am Sam

  • Release date: 2001
  • Genre: Rock
  • Format: CD
  • Category: soundtrack
  • Duration: 1:05:18
  • not rated
  • Added February 7, 2004


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2. Sarah Mclachlan - Blackbirdnot rated2:21
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8. Ben Folds - Golden Slumbersnot rated1:41
9. The Vines - I'm Only Sleepingnot rated3:05
10. Stereophonics - Don't Let Me Downnot rated4:08
11. The Black Crowes - Lucy In The Sky With Diamondsnot rated3:53
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13. Heather Nova - We Can Work It Outnot rated2:15
14. Howie Day - Help!not rated3:33
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16. Grandaddy - Revolutionnot rated3:02
17. Nick Cave - Let It Benot rated3:31
18. Aimee Mann - Lucy In The Sky With Diamondsnot rated3:50
19. Neil Finn, Liam Finn - Two Of Usnot rated3:16
20. Nick Cave - Here Comes The Sunnot rated2:58

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