The complete Anthems and Services (8)

Purcell - The complete Anthems and Services (8)

  • Release date: 1994
  • Genre: Classical
  • Format: CD
  • Category: classical
  • Duration: 1:05:05
  • not rated
  • Added March 24, 2004


1. Z016 In thee, O Lord, do I put my trustnot rated11:56
2. Z009 Blessed is the man that feareth the Lordnot rated6:30
3. Z230 Benedicite in B flatnot rated7:36
4. Z135 Jehova, quam multi sunt hostesnot rated6:34
5. Z185 Full of wrath, his threatening breathnot rated2:54
6. Z011 Bow down thine ear, O Lordnot rated7:42
7. Z231 Magnificat in g minornot rated3:31
8. Z231 Nunc dimittis in g minornot rated1:48
9. Z004 Be merciful unto menot rated7:17
10. Z057 They that go down the sea in shipsnot rated9:11

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