Various artists
Songs for political action

Various artists - Songs for political action

  • Release date: 1996
  • Genre: Folk
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 12:08:27
  • not rated
  • Added June 26, 2004


1. Carl Sandburg - The Boll Weevilnot rated2:38
2. John Allison - Patriotic Diggersnot rated2:22
3. Charles Seeger - London's Bridge Is Falling D..not rated1:06
4. Charles & Ruth Crawford Seeger - Risselty Rosseltynot rated1:07
5. Ruth Crawford Seeger - Old Grey Marenot rated0:37
6. Charles Seeger - Handsnot rated2:42
7. Aunt Molly Jackson - Ragged Hungry Blues (Pt. 1)not rated2:36
8. Aunt Molly Jackson - Ragged Hungry Blues (Pt. 1)not rated2:57
9. Sara Ogan Gunning - I'm Going To Organize, Baby ..not rated1:21
10. Tillman Cadle - I Don't Want Your Millions, Minot rated1:40
11. John Handcox - Raggedy, Raggedynot rated1:33
12. John Handcox - No More Mourningnot rated1:07
13. John Handcox - Join The Union Tonightnot rated0:45
14. John Handcox - We're Going To Roll The Unio..not rated1:00
15. John Handcox - There Is Mean Things Happeningnot rated0:48
16. Bob Ferguson (Bob Miller) - Farmer's Letter To The Presidenot rated2:59
17. Bob Miller - Farm Relief Bluesnot rated2:56
18. Bob's Boys (Bob Miller) - 11 Cent Cotton, 40 Cent Meatnot rated2:56
19. Miller's Bullfrog Entertainers - The Hootenanny Songnot rated3:14
20. B. Ferguson & His Scalawaggers - Bank Failuresnot rated3:18
21. Bob Miller - The Rich Man and the Poor Mannot rated2:59
22. Bill Palmer (Bob Miller) - The Poor Forgotten Mannot rated2:45
23. The New Singers - The Soup Songnot rated2:35
24. The New Singers - The Internationalenot rated2:15
25. The New Singers - Rise Up (Commintern)not rated2:24
26. The New Singers - United Frontnot rated1:55
27. The New Singers - Forward, We've Not Forgottennot rated2:12
28. The New Singers - In Praise of Learningnot rated1:46
29. The Manhattan Chorus - On The Picket Linenot rated2:56
30. The Manhattan Chorus - Hold The Fortnot rated3:05
31. The Manhattan Chorus - Casey Jonesnot rated3:01
32. The Manhattan Chorus - Sit Downnot rated1:56
33. The Manhattan Chorus - Write Me Out my Union Cardnot rated1:32
34. The Manhattan Chorus - We Shall Not Be Movednot rated1:42
35. The Manhattan Chorus - Join The Unionnot rated1:47
36. The Manhattan Chorus - Solidarity Forevernot rated2:46
1. M. Baumann & E. Siegmeister - The Strange Funeral in Braddocnot rated7:12
2. Earl Robinson - Abraham Lincolnnot rated5:22
3. Earl Robinson - Joe Hillnot rated2:35
4. Paul Robeson - Spring Songnot rated3:39
5. Tony Kramer - The Old Chisolm Trailnot rated3:02
6. Saul Aarons - Old Paint (The Horse With Thenot rated3:10
7. Saul Aarons - Capitalistic Bossnot rated7:02
8. Harrison Dowd - Little Theater On The Rightnot rated2:32
9. Harrison Dowd - Little Theater On The Leftnot rated2:45
10. Josh White - Nine Foot Shovelnot rated2:43
11. Josh White - Chain Gang Boun'not rated3:02
12. Josh White - Troublenot rated3:23
13. Josh White - Goin' Home Boysnot rated2:55
14. Josh White - Cryin' Who -- Cryin' Younot rated5:47
15. Josh White - Told My Captainnot rated3:20
16. Josh White - Jerrynot rated2:48
17. Josh White - Southern Exposurenot rated3:10
18. Josh White - Uncle Sam Saysnot rated2:42
19. Josh White - Jim Crow Trainnot rated3:07
20. Josh White - Bad Housing Bluesnot rated2:36
21. Josh White - Hard Times Bluesnot rated2:46
22. Josh White - Defense Factory Bluesnot rated2:41
1. The Strange Death of John Doenot rated1:27
2. Billy Boynot rated2:20
3. 'C' For Conscriptionnot rated1:32
4. Washington Breakdownnot rated1:31
5. Lisa Janenot rated2:42
6. Ballad of October 16thnot rated2:45
7. Plow Undernot rated2:24
8. Talking Unionnot rated3:00
9. Union Trainnot rated2:21
10. Which Side Are You Onnot rated2:08
11. Get Thee Behind Me, Satannot rated2:37
12. Union Maidnot rated2:12
13. All I Wantnot rated3:00
14. Songs For Bridges 14 - Snot rated3:09
15. Babe O' Minenot rated2:46
16. Blow Ye Winds, Heigh Honot rated2:46
17. Haul Away, Joenot rated3:15
18. Blow The Man Downnot rated2:35
19. The Golden Vanitynot rated3:05
20. Away, Rionot rated2:24
21. The Coast Of High Barbarynot rated2:33
22. Greenland Fishingnot rated2:52
23. The Dodger Songnot rated2:38
24. Ground Hog 24 - Ground Hnot rated2:39
25. State of Arkansasnot rated2:46
26. Hard, Ain't It Hardnot rated2:36
27. I Ride An Old Paintnot rated2:36
28. House Of The Rising Sunnot rated2:56
29. The Weaver's Songnot rated2:38
1. Almanac Singers - Dear Mr. Presidentnot rated2:51
2. Almanac Singers - Belt Line Girlnot rated2:20
3. Almanac Singers - Round, Round Hitler's Gravenot rated2:51
4. Almanac Singers - Side By Sidenot rated2:34
5. Almanac Singers - Deliver The Goodsnot rated2:27
6. Almanac Singers - Reuben Jamesnot rated3:08
7. Almanac Singers - Boomtown Billnot rated3:10
8. Almanac Singers - Keep That Oil A-Rollin'not rated2:46
9. Priority Ramblers - I'm Looking For A Home (Housinnot rated2:18
10. Priority Ramblers - Amsterdam Maidnot rated2:54
11. Priority Ramblers - Song Of The Freenot rated2:01
12. Priority Ramblers - In Washingtonnot rated2:57
13. Priority Ramblers - Overtime Paynot rated2:28
14. Seeger, Glazer, Hawes, & Bess - Quinte Brigadanot rated2:47
15. Glazer, Hawes, & Bess Lomax - Jarama Valleynot rated2:48
16. Seeger, Glazer, Hawes, & Bess - Spanish Marching Songnot rated2:38
17. Seeger, Glazer, Hawes, & Bess - Cook House - The Young Man F..not rated2:39
18. Seeger, Glazer, Hawes, & Bess - Quinte Regimentonot rated2:20
19. Seeger, Glazer, Hawes, & Bess - Quarter Master Songnot rated2:04
20. Josh White & The Boys (Union B - Little Man On A Fencenot rated2:32
21. The Union Boys - Jim Crownot rated2:50
22. The Union Boys - You Better Get Readynot rated2:32
23. The Union Boys - Hold The Fort - We Shall Not Bnot rated3:02
24. The Union Boys - U.A.W. C.I.O.not rated2:06
25. The Union Boys - Hold Onnot rated2:15
26. Burl Ives & The Boys (Union Bo - Solidarity Forevernot rated2:54
27. The Union Boys - A Dollar Ain't A Dollar Anymornot rated2:49
1. Earl Robinson - Horace Greeleynot rated3:07
2. Earl Robinson - Kevin Barrynot rated2:44
3. Earl Robinson - The House I Live Innot rated3:08
4. Earl Robinson - A Man's A Man for A'Thatnot rated2:24
5. Earl Robinson - Drill Ye Tarriers Drillnot rated2:45
6. Earl Robinson - The Frozen Loggernot rated2:32
7. Earl Robinson - Jefferson and Libertynot rated2:44
8. Earl Robinson - Sweet Betsy From Pike/Dirty Minernot rated3:08
9. Earl Robinson - Grand Coolee Damnot rated2:58
10. Earl Robinson and Dooley Wilson - Free and Equal Blues (parts 1 & 2)not rated5:08
11. Sir Lancelot - The Century of the Common Mannot rated3:04
12. Vern Partlow - I'm a Native American Nazinot rated3:02
13. Vern Partlow - Join the U.A.W.-C.I.O.not rated2:37
14. Vern Partlow - Keeping Score for `44not rated2:22
15. Vern Partlow - The U.A.W. Trainnot rated2:28
16. Vern Partlow - Susan's in the Unionnot rated2:32
17. Vern Partlow - The Rollback Bluesnot rated2:19
18. Vern Partlow - Mama Don't Allownot rated2:06
19. Woody Guthrie - Farmer Labor Trainnot rated2:52
20. Woody Guthrie - So Long, It's Been Good to Know Younot rated2:47
21. Woody Guthrie - Talking Sailornot rated3:05
22. Woody Guthrie - Sally, Don't You Grievenot rated2:24
23. Tom Glazer & Josh White - Citizen C.I.O.not rated2:30
24. Josh White - No More Bluesnot rated2:50
25. Tom Glazer - We've Got A Plannot rated2:35
26. Tom Glazer - Social Worker's Talking Bluesnot rated2:32
27. Tom Glazer - I'm Gonna Put My Name Downnot rated3:04
28. Josh White - Freedom Roadnot rated2:18
1. Josh White - Landlordnot rated2:41
2. Josh White - Johnny Has Gone For A Soldiernot rated2:43
3. Josh White - Beloved Comradenot rated2:48
4. Josh White - The Man Who Couldn't Walk Arounot rated3:05
5. Josh White - I'm The Guynot rated1:31
6. Josh White - Little Man Sitting On A Fencenot rated2:45
7. Tom Glazer - When The Country Is Brokenot rated0:45
8. Tom Glazer - Money In The Pocketnot rated1:50
9. Tom Glazer - Our Fight Is Yoursnot rated2:11
10. Lee Hays - Moses Greennot rated2:48
11. Lee Hays - The Rankin Treenot rated1:55
12. Lee Hays - Talking Bilbonot rated2:23
13. Lee Hays - This Old Worldnot rated3:19
14. Bob Claiborne - No. 1 Stoogenot rated2:15
15. Bernie Asbel - Song Of My Handsnot rated3:12
16. Bernie Asbel & Pete Seeger - Mad As I Can Benot rated1:56
17. Lord Invader - Jackie Robinsonnot rated2:39
18. Brownie McGhee - High Price Bluesnot rated2:47
19. Brownie McGhee - Black, Brown, and Whitenot rated2:38
20. Anna Beyer - Nix On Mundt & Nixonnot rated2:26
21. George Levine - The Daily Worker's Songnot rated1:48
22. Unidentified Vocalist - Taft Hartley Bluesnot rated2:45
23. Sis Cunningham - Parnell Thomas Bluesnot rated4:05
24. Malvina Reynolds & Bill Oliver - Turn Me Loosenot rated1:13
25. The Berries - Snowballnot rated1:39
26. The Berries - Swingin' On A Scabnot rated2:38
27. Mario Casetta - On To Sacramentonot rated2:09
28. Vern Partlow - Atomic Talking Bluesnot rated3:45
29. Vern Partlow - Newspapermen Meet Such Inter..not rated3:43
30. Dick Blakeslee - Passing Throughnot rated1:51
1. Seeger, Hawes, Hays, Wood, Kle - Listen Mr. Bilbonot rated2:41
2. Seeger, Hawes, Hays, Wood, Kle - Joe Hillnot rated2:42
3. Pete Seeger & Bob Claiborne - O.P.A. Shoutnot rated2:10
4. Seeger, Glazer, Hays, & Wood - Voting Unionnot rated1:46
5. Seeger, Glazer, Hays, & Wood - Get Out The Votenot rated0:54
6. Seeger, Glazer, Hays, & Wood - A Dollar Ain't A Dollar Anymornot rated2:23
7. Seeger, Glazer, Hays, & Wood - A Dollar For P.A.C.not rated2:44
8. Seeger, Glazer, Hays, & Wood - Oh, What Congress Done To Menot rated0:54
9. Seeger, Glazer, Hays, & Wood - Four P.A.C. Nursery Rhymesnot rated1:12
10. Seeger, Glazer, Hays, & Wood - D.D.T.not rated1:44
11. Seeger, Glazer, Hays, & Wood - Fare Ye Well, Bad Congressmannot rated1:25
12. Seeger, Glazer, Hays, & Wood - No, No, No Discriminationnot rated0:53
13. Seeger, Glazer, Hays, & Wood - Voter, Oh Voternot rated1:23
14. Seeger, Glazer, Wood & Gilbert - Intro - Commonwealth of Toilnot rated3:27
15. Seeger, Glazer, Wood & Gilbert - We've Got Our Eyes On Younot rated2:53
16. Seeger, Glazer, Wood & Gilbert - Talking Unionnot rated3:07
17. Seeger, Glazer, Wood & Gilbert - The Preacher And The Slavenot rated2:56
18. Seeger, Glazer, Wood & Gilbert - Which Side Are You Onnot rated2:36
19. Seeger, Glazer, Wood & Gilbert - Solidarity Forevernot rated3:35
20. Seeger, Glazer, Wood & Gilbert - The Whole Wide World Aroundnot rated3:59
21. Seeger, Glazer, Wood & Gilbert - Hold The Fort - Conclusionnot rated3:05
22. Pete Seeger - Talking P.A.C.not rated2:33
23. Pete Seeger - Conversation With A Mulenot rated2:08
24. Pete Seeger - The Farmer Is The Mannot rated1:42
25. Pete Seeger - Join The Farmer's Unionnot rated1:14
26. Pete Seeger - Talking Atomnot rated2:53
27. Pete Seeger - Newspapermen Meet Such Interesnot rated3:10
28. Pete Seeger - Skillet Good And Greasynot rated0:54
29. Pete Seeger - T For Texasnot rated2:09
30. Pete Seeger - Cumberland Mountain Bear Chasenot rated2:40
1. Sir Lancelot - Walk In Peace (Pt. 1)not rated2:42
2. Sir Lancelot - Walk In Peace (Pt. 2)not rated2:37
3. Sir Lancelot - Atomic Energynot rated2:46
4. Sir Lancelot - Old Lady With A Rolling Pinnot rated2:44
5. Goodson and Vale - Red Boogienot rated3:13
6. Goodson and Vale - Unity Rhumbanot rated2:51
7. Goodson and Vale - Elephant and the Assnot rated2:31
8. Goodson and Vale - Hungry Rhapsodynot rated3:14
9. Goodson and Vale - Housingnot rated3:04
10. People's Songs Chorus - Ballad of F.D.R.not rated2:54
11. People's Songs Chorus - Jim Crownot rated2:23
12. The Berries - Mein Shtetele Belznot rated3:03
13. The Berries & Pete Seeger - Zhonkoyenot rated2:20
14. Pete Seeger - Travelin'not rated1:50
15. Pete Seeger - Black, Brown, and White Bluesnot rated2:30
16. Pete Seeger - The Death of Harry Simmsnot rated1:45
17. Pete Seeger - Winnsboro Cotton Mill Bluesnot rated1:16
18. Pete Seeger - No Irish Need Applynot rated2:26
19. Boots (Mario Casetta) - Unemployment Compensation Bl..not rated3:03
20. Betty Sanders - The Fireshipnot rated2:59
21. Betty Sanders - Johnny, I Hardly Knew Younot rated3:03
22. The Weavers and Howard Fast - The Peekskill Story (Incl. Holnot rated6:26
23. The Weavers - Wasn't That A Timenot rated3:00
24. The Weavers - Dig My Gravenot rated2:31
25. The Weavers - Freight Train Bluesnot rated2:37
26. The Weavers - Love Song Bluesnot rated3:25
27. The Weavers - The Hammer Songnot rated2:17
1. Earl Robinson - We're Keeping Score in '44not rated3:34
2. Josh White - No More Bluesnot rated0:59
3. Bill Oliver - Lay That Ballot Downnot rated2:26
4. Vern Partlow - The Fertilizer Songnot rated3:04
5. Vern Partlow - Talking F.T.A.not rated3:00
6. Vern Partlow - Kiss The Boys Goodbyenot rated2:38
7. Vern Partlow - Round and Round the Canneriesnot rated2:18
8. Vern Partlow - My Name is Cannery Billnot rated3:00
9. Mara Alexander - The Bosses Gangnot rated2:27
10. Mara Alexander - Bye, Bye Bossesnot rated2:35
11. Richard Huey and Chorus - The New Walls of Jerichonot rated2:40
12. Royal Harmonaires - Henry Wallace Is The Mannot rated2:54
13. Abigail Alvarez - Corrido To Wallace and Taylornot rated1:36
14. Abigail Alvarez - Second Corrido To Wallace andnot rated1:22
15. Paul Robeson - The Battle Hymn of '48not rated1:38
16. Michael Loring - The Same Old Merry-Go-Roundnot rated1:44
17. Michael Loring - I've Got A Ballotnot rated1:33
18. Michael Loring - Great Daynot rated1:29
19. George Levine - Wallace Button - Goodbye Harrynot rated1:49
20. Sis Cunningham - Henry Wallacenot rated4:13
21. Bill Oliver - We Can Win With Wallacenot rated1:23
22. Malvina Reynolds - Work With Wallacenot rated2:45
23. Sir Lancelot - Century of the Common Mannot rated1:46
24. Sir Lancelot - Wallace Is The Man For Menot rated2:09
25. Michael Loring & Alan Lomax - Yankee Doodle, Tell The Bossnot rated2:48
26. The Weavers - Intro - New York Citynot rated2:37
27. Fred Hellerman - Marcantonio For Menot rated1:03
28. The Weavers and Hope Foye - Skip To The Pollsnot rated1:11
29. Fred Hellerman - Marcantonio For Mayornot rated1:03
30. Laura Duncan - Now, Right Nownot rated3:03
31. The Weavers - We Shall Not Be Movednot rated1:03
32. Hope Foye and Pete Seeger - Oh, Freedomnot rated2:46
33. Pete Seeger - Ben Davisnot rated3:00
34. Unknown Vocalist - M.T.A.not rated2:31
35. Unidentified - The People's Choicenot rated1:17
36. Fred Hellerman - Keep A-Goin' and A-Groin'not rated1:45
1. Decormier and Bernardi and Boo - The Riddle of Thurman Townsnot rated3:29
2. Gerald Gallant - Grapes To Picknot rated2:24
3. Fred Hellerman - Medley - I Don't Want To Get Anot rated3:32
4. Bob Hill (Fred Hellerman) - Pity The Downtrodden Landlordnot rated2:25
5. The Weavers - The Hammer Songnot rated2:02
6. The Weavers - Banks of Marblenot rated2:57
7. Ernie Lieberman & Hope Foye - Spring Songnot rated3:12
8. Ernie Lieberman - Songs of My Handsnot rated3:14
9. Ernie Lieberman - My Old Mannot rated3:06
10. Ernie Lieberman - I'm On My Waynot rated3:05
11. Lieberman, Duncan, Smith, & Sa - In Contemptnot rated2:08
12. Lieberman, Duncan, Smith, & Sa - Die Gedanken Sind Freinot rated1:23
13. Lieberman, Duncan, Smith, & Sa - Walk Along Togethernot rated2:46
14. Lieberman, Duncan, Smith, & Sa - Put My Name Downnot rated2:49
15. Lieberman, Duncan, Smith, & Sa - Hold Onnot rated1:47
16. Osborne Smith - Didn't My Lord Deliver Dannot rated1:01
17. Laura Duncan - I've Got A Rightnot rated2:46
18. Jewish Young Folksingers - We Shall Overcomenot rated3:22
19. Betty Sanders - Talking Un-American Bluesnot rated3:32
20. Joe Glazer and Bill Friedland - Old Bolshevik Songnot rated1:47

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