John Hiatt
Slug Line

John Hiatt - Slug Line

  • Release date: 1979
  • Genre: Rock
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 38:55
  • not rated
  • Added September 9, 2004


1. You Used to Kiss the Girlsnot rated2:35
2. The Negroes Were Dancingnot rated2:47
3. Slug Linenot rated3:01
4. Madonna Roadnot rated4:21
5. (No More) Dancin' In the Streetnot rated2:22
6. Long Nightnot rated5:20
7. The Night That Kenny Diednot rated2:36
8. Radio Girlnot rated2:58
9. You're My Love Interestnot rated3:17
10. Take Off Your Uniformnot rated4:09
11. Sharon's Got a Drugstorenot rated2:11
12. Washable Inknot rated3:18

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