Cathie Ryan
The Music of What Happens

Cathie Ryan - The Music of What Happens

  • Release date: 1998
  • Genre: Celtic
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 45:54
  • not rated
  • Added November 20, 2004


1. At The Foot of Knocknareanot rated4:03
2. Home By Bearnanot rated2:45
3. I'm Going Backnot rated4:36
4. We Dreamed Our Dreamsnot rated3:19
5. Love and Freedomnot rated2:49
6. Understanding Lovenot rated3:44
7. Coaineadh na dTri Muire (Lament of The Three Marys)not rated3:18
8. The Lights of San Francisconot rated4:02
9. A Mhaithrin A'Leigfea Un An Aonaigh Me? (Mother, Will You Let Me Go to The Fair?)not rated2:57
10. Erin's Lovely Homenot rated3:29
11. Lovely Willienot rated4:25
12. An Seanduine Doite (The Burnt Old Man)not rated2:58
13. The Yellow Bittern (An Bunnan Bui)not rated3:29

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