Sacred Spirits
Chants and Dances of the Native Americans

Sacred Spirits - Chants and Dances of the Native Americans

  • Release date: 1994
  • Genre: Native American
  • Format: CD
  • Category: newage
  • Duration: 54:40
  • not rated
  • Added March 16, 2004


1. How The West Was Lost - Intro & Preludenot rated2:59
2. Winter Ceremony - Tor-Cheney-Nahananot rated6:56
3. The Counterclockwise Circle Dance - Ly-O-Lay Ale Loyanot rated5:10
4. Celebrate Wild Rice - Ya-Na-Hananot rated7:05
5. The Cradlesong - Dawanot rated4:17
6. Advice For The Young - Gitchi-Manidoonot rated6:02
7. Wishes Of Happiness & Prosperity - Yeha-Nohanot rated4:03
8. Elevation - Ta-Was-Nenot rated2:39
9. Interibal Song To Stop The Rain - Heya-Heenot rated7:45
10. Heal The Soul - Shamanic Chant No. 5not rated1:20
11. Brandishing The Tomahawk - Yo-Hey-O-Heenot rated6:20

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