The Night Before

Hooverphonic - The Night Before

  • Release date: 2010
  • Genre: Electronic
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 38:06
  • not rated
  • Added December 8, 2010


1. Alex Callier - Anger Never Diesnot rated3:30
2. Alex Callier - The Night Beforenot rated2:48
3. Alex Callier - Heartbrokennot rated2:47
4. Alex Callier - Norwegian Starsnot rated3:09
5. Alex Callier - Morenot rated2:36
6. Alex Callier - One Two Threenot rated3:00
7. Alex Callier - George's Cafenot rated3:49
8. Duchêne - Identical Twinnot rated2:38
9. Ray Davies - Encoded Lovenot rated3:28
10. Alex Callier - How Can You Sleepnot rated3:50
11. Alex Callier/Bartsoen - Sunday Afternoonnot rated3:25
12. Alex Callier - Danger Zonenot rated3:06

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