Tom Waits (24 albums)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Tom WaitsAsylum YearsFLAC1984not rated1:10:30
Tom WaitsBad As MeFLAC2011not rated44:33
Tom WaitsBlue ValentineFLACnot rated49:37
Tom WaitsClosing Time (Remastered)FLAC1973not rated45:38
Tom WaitsForeign Affairs (Remastered)FLACnot rated42:06
Tom WaitsForeign affairsFLAC1977not rated42:08
Tom WaitsFranks Wild YearsFLAC1987not rated56:46
Tom WaitsGlitter And Doom (Remastered)FLAC2009not rated1:13:35
Tom WaitsGreatest HitsFLACnot rated2:39:17
Tom WaitsHeartattack And VineFLAC1980not rated44:30
Tom WaitsHeartattack And Vine (Remastered)FLAC1980not rated44:29
Tom WaitsRain DogsCDnot rated54:04
Tom WaitsRain DogsFLAC1985not rated53:57
Tom WaitsRain DogsFLAC1985not rated54:04
Tom WaitsReal Gone (Remastered)FLAC2004not rated1:09:02
Tom WaitsSmall ChangeFLAC1976not rated50:00
Tom WaitsSmall Change (Remastered)FLAC1976not rated49:57
Tom WaitsSwordfishtrombonesFLAC1983not rated41:47
Tom WaitsSwordfishtrombonesCD1983not rated41:48
Tom WaitsThe Heart Of Saturday Night (Remastered)FLAC1974not rated41:33
Tom WaitsThe Island Years - Beautiful MaladiesFLAC1998not rated1:13:58
Tom WaitsTransmission Impossible - CD1 - Minneapolis 1975FLAC2015not rated1:17:54
Tom WaitsTransmission Impossible - CD2 - New York 1976FLAC2015not rated1:02:04
Tom WaitsTransmission Impossible - CD3 - New York 1977FLAC2015not rated1:17:46