Complete list of zombiedeluxe's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
AsesinoPadre PedofiloCristo Satánico3:48not ratedCD2006
AsesinoPerro PrimeroCristo Satánico3:27not ratedCD2006
AsesinoPuta Con Pito?Cristo Satánico2:28not ratedCD2006
AsesinoRegresando OdioCristo Satánico2:51not ratedCD2006
AsesinoRituales SalvajesCristo Satánico3:30not ratedCD2006
AsesinoSadisticoCristo Satánico3:32not ratedCD2006
AsesinoTwiquiadoCristo Satánico4:15not ratedCD2006
AsesinoY tu Mama TambienCristo Satánico3:33not ratedCD2006
AsesinoYo no FuiCristo Satánico2:34not ratedCD2006
Asphalt ValentineBe Your DrugStrip Rock Roll4:00not ratedCD2009
Asphalt ValentineBombshellStrip Rock Roll3:36not ratedCD2009
Asphalt ValentineDirty Little SecretStrip Rock Roll4:28not ratedCD2009
Asphalt ValentineDirty Little SecretStrip Rock Roll5:23not ratedCD2009
Asphalt ValentineDon't Come EasyStrip Rock Roll4:57not ratedCD2009
Asphalt ValentineDown to the AcesStrip Rock Roll4:26not ratedCD2009
Asphalt ValentineIt's Not MeStrip Rock Roll4:20not ratedCD2009
Asphalt ValentineLove and GoneStrip Rock Roll4:08not ratedCD2009
Asphalt ValentineNever Lose ItStrip Rock Roll4:09not ratedCD2009
Asphalt ValentineStrip Rock RollStrip Rock Roll4:21not ratedCD2009
Asphyx06/06/2006On the Wings of Inferno2:25not ratedCD2000
Asphyx06/06/2006/Waves of Fire [*][Live]On the Wings of Inferno3:45not ratedCD2000
AsphyxAbomination Echoes [*][Live]On the Wings of Inferno3:43not ratedCD2000
AsphyxAbomination Echoes [demo II]Embrace the Death2:47not ratedCD1996
AsphyxAs the Magma Mammoth RisesDeathhammer7:51not ratedCD2012
AsphyxAsphyx (Forgotten War)Last One on Earth5:27not ratedCD1992

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