Complete list of zombiedeluxe's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
GorgorothGod Seed (Twilight of the Idols)Ad Majorem Sathanas Gloriam4:15not ratedCD2006
GorgorothKrigUnder the Sign of Hell2:42not ratedCD1997
GorgorothOdeleggelse Og UndergangUnder the Sign of Hell4:27not ratedCD1997
GorgorothPostludiumUnder the Sign of Hell1:33not ratedCD1997
GorgorothProjetens UpenbaringUnder the Sign of Hell5:18not ratedCD1997
GorgorothProsperity and BeautyAd Majorem Sathanas Gloriam4:54not ratedCD2006
GorgorothRevelation of DoomUnder the Sign of Hell3:16not ratedCD1997
GorgorothSign of an Open EyeAd Majorem Sathanas Gloriam4:05not ratedCD2006
GorgorothThe Devil Is CallingUnder the Sign of Hell3:06not ratedCD1997
GorgorothThe Rite of Infernal InvocationUnder the Sign of Hell6:43not ratedCD1997
GorgorothUntamed ForcesAd Majorem Sathanas Gloriam2:37not ratedCD2006
GorgorothWhite SeedAd Majorem Sathanas Gloriam4:37not ratedCD2006
GorgorothWound Upon WoundAd Majorem Sathanas Gloriam3:30not ratedCD2006
GorgutsAbscondersColored Sands9:09not ratedCD2013
GorgutsAn Ocean of WisdomColored Sands7:21not ratedCD2013
GorgutsCloudedObscura9:32not ratedCD1998
GorgutsColored SandsColored Sands7:55not ratedCD2013
GorgutsEarthly LoveObscura4:04not ratedCD1998
GorgutsEmber's VoiceColored Sands6:48not ratedCD2013
GorgutsEnemies of CompassionColored Sands7:03not ratedCD2013
GorgutsFaceless OnesObscura3:50not ratedCD1998
GorgutsForgotten ArrowsColored Sands5:41not ratedCD2013
GorgutsIlluminatusObscura6:16not ratedCD1998
GorgutsLa Vie Est Prelude... (La Mort, Orgasme)Obscura3:28not ratedCD1998
GorgutsLe Toit du MondeColored Sands6:33not ratedCD2013

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