zombiedeluxe's top 200 artists sorted alphabetically

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AC/DC Aborted After Forever Airbourne Akercocke Alice Cooper Alice in Chains All That Remains Amenra Amon Amarth Anthrax Apocalyptica Arch Enemy As I Lay Dying Asphyx At the Gates August Burns Red Aura Noir Autopsy Avatar Avenged Sevenfold Avril Lavigne Behemoth Belphegor Benighted Black Label Society Black Sabbath Black Tusk Bloodbath Body Count Bolt Thrower Burzum Caliban Cannabis Corpse Cannibal Corpse Cattle Decapitation Children Of Bodom Children of Bodom Chimaira Cradle Of Filth Crowbar Dark Funeral Dark Tranquillity Darkest Hour Darkthrone Death Death Angel Deathspell Omega Deathstars Decapitated Deftones Deicide Delain DevilDriver Dio Dismember Disturbed Djevel Down Draconian Drudkh Dying Fetus Edguy Eminem Ensiferum Entombed Entrails Epica Exodus Eyehategod Five Finger Death Punch Fulci Funeral for a Friend Furia Ghost Goatwhore Gojira Gorod Guns N' Roses Hatebreed Heaven Shall Burn Helloween Hellyeah Helmet Hooded Menace Ihsahn Immortal In Flames In This Moment Incantation Inquisition Insomnium Iron Maiden John 5 Judas Priest Kalmah Kataklysm Katatonia Kid Rock Killswitch Engage Kiss Kittie Korn Kreator Lacuna Coil Lamb of God Led Zeppelin Lene Marlin Lifelover Linkin Park Lordi Machine Head Marduk Marilyn Manson Mastodon Mayhem Megadeth Meshuggah Metallica Michael Jackson Ministry Misanthrope Moonsorrow Moonspell Morbid Angel Mors Principium Est Motörhead Municipal Waste Muse Napalm Death Necrodeath Nemesea Nervosa New Found Glory Nickelback Nightrage Nightwish Nine Inch Nails Nirvana Noir Désir Norther Obituary Overkill Pantera Papa Roach Paradise Lost Paramore Parkway Drive Pig Destroyer Pink Psykup Queens of the Stone Age Rammstein Revolting Rhapsody Rob Zombie Samael Sargeist Scorpions Septic Flesh Sepultura Shining Sirenia Six Feet Under Skyfire Slayer Slipknot Sodom Soilwork Sonata Arctica Sonic Syndicate Soulfly Soundtrack Stone Sour Suffocation Suicidal Angels Sum 41 Superbus System Of A Down Taake Testament The Arrs The Beatles The Black Dahlia Murder The Chemical Brothers The Crown The Offspring Trivium Twisted Sister Ulcerate Vader Volbeat Vulture Industries W.A.S.P. Watain Wednesday 13 Within Temptation Wolfheart ZZ Top blink-182