
Deadlock - Manifesto

  • Release date: 2008
  • Genre: Melodic Dark Metal
  • Format: CD
  • **** 1/2
  • Added April 18, 2009
  • Played January 13, 2014
  • Rated January 13, 2014


1. Johannes Prem/Sebastian Reichl/Tobias Graf - The Moribund Choir vs. The Trumpets of Armageddonnot rated0:00
2. Johannes Prem/Sebastian Reichl/Tobias Graf - Martyr to Sciencenot rated0:00
3. Johannes Prem/Sebastian Reichl/Tobias Graf - Slaughter's Palacenot rated0:00
4. Johannes Prem/Sabine Weniger/Sebastian Reichl - The Brave/Agony Applausenot rated0:00
5. Johannes Prem/Sebastian Reichl/Tobias Graf - Deathracenot rated0:00
6. Johannes Prem/Sebastian Reichl/Tobias Graf - Fire at Willnot rated0:00
7. Johannes Prem/Sebastian Reichl/Tobias Graf - Seal Slayernot rated0:00
8. Johannes Prem/Sebastian Reichl/Tobias Graf - Manifestonot rated0:00
9. Johannes Prem/Sebastian Reichl/Tobias Graf - Dying Breednot rated0:00
10. Sabine Weniger/Sebastian Reichl - Altruismnot rated0:00
11. Johannes Prem/Sebastian Reichl/Tobias Graf - Temple of Love 2k8not rated0:00
12. Johannes Prem/Sabine Weniger/Sebastian Reichl - The Brave/Agony Applause [Acoustic Live Version]not rated0:00

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