Complete list of yhwman's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
BeckAssholeSony Studios - New York, NY3:48not ratedFLAC1997
BeckBeautiful WayMidnite Vultures5:43not ratedFLAC1999
BeckBeercanMellow Gold4:00not ratedFLAC1994
BeckBlackbird ChainMorning Phase4:26not ratedFLAC2/25/2014
BeckBlackholeMellow Gold5:15not ratedFLAC1994
BeckBlue MoonMorning Phase4:02not ratedFLAC2/25/2014
BeckBottle of BluesMutations4:55not ratedFLAC1998
BeckBroken TrainMidnite Vultures4:11not ratedFLAC1999
BeckCanceled CheckMutations3:14not ratedFLAC1998
BeckChemtrailsModern Guilt4:40not ratedFLAC2008
BeckCold BrainsMutations3:41not ratedFLAC1998
BeckCommentarySony Studios - New York, NY0:42not ratedFLAC1997
BeckCountry DownMorning Phase4:00not ratedFLAC2/25/2014
BeckCyanide Breath MintBBC Sessions2:24not ratedFLAC1994
BeckCycleMorning Phase0:40not ratedFLAC2/25/2014
BeckD-day IntroSony Studios - New York, NY1:51not ratedFLAC1997
BeckDead MelodiesMutations2:35not ratedFLAC1998
BeckDebraSony Studios - New York, NY4:20not ratedFLAC1997
BeckDebraMidnite Vultures5:42not ratedFLAC1999
BeckDerelictSony Studios - New York, NY4:28not ratedFLAC1997
BeckDerelictOdelay4:12not ratedFLAC1996
BeckDevil's HaircutSony Studios - New York, NY3:35not ratedFLAC1997
BeckDevils HaircutOdelay3:14not ratedFLAC1996
BeckDiamond BollocksMutations6:03not ratedFLAC1998
BeckDiskoboxOdelay3:35not ratedFLAC1996

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