April Wine (12 albums)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
April WineAnimal GraceFLAC1984not rated41:47
April WineApril WineFLAC1993not rated36:21
April WineElectric JewelsFLAC1993not rated
April WineHarder.....FasterFLAC1979not rated32:51
April WineHarder.....FasterLP1979not rated32:27
April WineKing Biscuit Flower Hour Presents…April WineFLAC1999not rated1:08:57
April WineOn RecordFLAC2009not rated33:06
April WineOowataniteFLAC1990not rated35:35
April WineThe Nature Of The BeastCassette1981not rated
April WineThe Nature Of The BeastFLAC2010not rated
April WineThe Nature Of The BeastLP1981not rated37:13
April WineWalking Through FireFLAC1993not rated41:00