Rahsaan Roland Kirk
Kirk's Works

Rahsaan Roland Kirk - Kirk's Works

  • Format: LP box set
  • Category: jazz
  • Duration: 1:22:24
  • *****
  • Added February 15, 2007
  • Rated April 19, 2008


1. Meeting on Termini's Cornernot rated3:37
2. Kirk, Hill - Between the fourth and the Fifth Stepnot rated3:39
3. Kirk, Sonny Brown - Song of the Countrymennot rated6:54
4. Kirk - Rauolnot rated3:02
5. Kirk Byard - No Tonic Presnot rated4:30
6. Kirk, Byard, Davis - From Bechet, Byas and Fatsnot rated7:25
7. Kirk, Byard, Jones - Rip, Rig and Panicnot rated6:58
8. Kirk, Byard - Slippery, Hippery, Flipperynot rated4:50
9. KIrk, Jones - Three for the Festivalnot rated3:05
10. Kirk, Jones, Mcintosh, Mabern - Reeds And Deedsnot rated5:16
11. Kirk, Jones - Ebrauqsnot rated8:20
12. Kirk - I Talk With The Spiritsnot rated3:55
13. Kirk, Andrew Hill - Dominonot rated3:10
14. Kirk - The Haunted Melodynot rated3:30
15. Kirk, .Kelly, .Martin, Haynes - Where Monk and Mingus lives/Let's Call Thisnot rated4:10
16. Kirk, Byard, Haynes - Get Out of Townnot rated4:43
17. Kirk, Byard - Black Diamondnot rated5:20

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