Complete list of wolleffm's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
The Muppets ShowMahna Mahna - Mahna Mahna The Two SnowthsMusic Mayhem & More2:17not ratedMP32002
The Muppets ShowMahna Mahna - Mahna Mahna And The SnowthsThe Muppets Show2:06not ratedMP31978
The Muppets ShowMake Time - Kermit And Miss PiggyThe Muppets Show0:12not ratedMP31978
The Muppets ShowMarvin Suggs Intro - KermitThe Muppets Show0:05not ratedMP31978
The Muppets ShowMid-Course Correction - Pigs In SpaceThe Muppets Show2:24not ratedMP31978
The Muppets ShowMississippi Mud - The JugbandThe Muppets Show0:57not ratedMP31978
The Muppets ShowMovin' Right Along - Kermit The Frog Fozzie BearMusic Mayhem & More2:57not ratedMP32002
The Muppets ShowMr. Bassman - Floyd And ScooterThe Muppets Show1:54not ratedMP31978
The Muppets ShowNew York State Of Mind - FloydThe Muppets Show1:54not ratedMP31978
The Muppets ShowOff The Record - Statler & WaldorfThe Muppets Show0:13not ratedMP31978
The Muppets ShowOne More Sleep 'til Christmas - Kermit The FrogMusic Mayhem & More2:49not ratedMP32002
The Muppets ShowPachalafaka - MuppetsThe Muppets Show1:53not ratedMP31978
The Muppets ShowPlay Lady Of Spain - Amazing Marvin Suggs And His MuppaphoneThe Muppets Show1:23not ratedMP31978
The Muppets ShowRainbow Connection - Kermit The FrogMusic Mayhem & More3:15not ratedMP32002
The Muppets ShowRobin Intro - KermitThe Muppets Show0:08not ratedMP31978
The Muppets ShowRoller Skates - KermitThe Muppets Show0:09not ratedMP31978
The Muppets ShowS.Y.F.F.I.T.F. - Kermit And Miss PiggyThe Muppets Show0:38not ratedMP31978
The Muppets ShowSax And Violence - Muppets With ZootThe Muppets Show2:01not ratedMP31978
The Muppets ShowScooter Intro - KermitThe Muppets Show0:06not ratedMP31978
The Muppets ShowSea Chantey - Link Hogthrob, Scooter, Fozzie Bear, Gonzo, And RobinThe Muppets Show2:25not ratedMP31978
The Muppets ShowSecond Album - Statler & WaldorfThe Muppets Show0:10not ratedMP31978
The Muppets ShowSimon Smith And His Amazing Dancing Bear - Scooter FoMusic Mayhem & More1:56not ratedMP32002
The Muppets ShowSimon Smith And His Amazing Dancing Bear - Scooter & FozzieThe Muppets Show1:53not ratedMP31978
The Muppets ShowSings Gershwin (A Foggy Day) - AnimalThe Muppets Show0:11not ratedMP31978
The Muppets ShowTenderly - Dr. Teeth And The Electric MayhemThe Muppets Show1:59not ratedMP31978

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