Bobby Watt
Watt Next?

Bobby Watt - Watt Next?

  • Release date: 8/4/2016
  • Format: CD
  • not rated
  • Added December 6, 2018


1. Factory Girlnot rated0:00
2. Hold Me Closenot rated0:00
3. Lads of the Fairnot rated0:00
4. Both Sides the Tweednot rated0:00
5. You'd Never Sing the Bluesnot rated0:00
6. I Once Loved a Lassnot rated0:00
7. A Man's a Mannot rated0:00
8. Desperadonot rated0:00
9. Father Mallorynot rated0:00
10. Westlin' Windsnot rated0:00
11. Tonight I'll be Staying Here With Younot rated0:00
12. Paddy Donovan/Donald McLeans Farewell to Obannot rated0:00
13. Remembrance Day/ Flowers o' the Forestnot rated0:00
14. The Inverary Innnot rated0:00

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