Gabriel Alegria Afro-Peruvian Sextet
Diablo En Brooklyn

Gabriel Alegria Afro-Peruvian Sextet - Diablo En Brooklyn

  • Release date: 9/22/2017
  • Genre: Jazz
  • Format: CD
  • Category: jazz
  • not rated
  • Added November 7, 2018


1. Caras II (Live)not rated0:00
2. Part 3 - The Brooklyn Suitenot rated0:00
3. Buscando a Huevito (Live)not rated0:00
4. The Brooklyn Suite - Part 2not rated0:00
5. Summertime (Live)not rated0:00
6. Part 4 - The Brooklyn Suitenot rated0:00
7. El Norte (Live)not rated0:00
8. The Brooklyn Suite - Part 1not rated0:00

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