Artist![]() |
Title | Album | Duration | Rating | Format | Released |
Chuck Mangione | Children Of Sanchez (Overture) | Chuck Mangione's Finest Hour | 14:07 | not rated | FLAC | 2000 |
Chuck Mangione | Children Of Sanchez [Finale] | Live at the Hollywood Bowl | 3:55 | not rated | FLAC | 1978 |
Chuck Mangione | Children Of Sanchez [Main Theme] | Live at the Hollywood Bowl | 6:49 | not rated | FLAC | 1978 |
Chuck Mangione | Come Take A Ride With Me | Bellavia | 4:26 | not rated | MP3 | 1975 |
Chuck Mangione | Consuelo's Love Theme | Children Of Sanchez | 17:02 | not rated | FLAC | 1978 |
Chuck Mangione | Consuelo's Love Theme - Chuck Mangione | The Feeling's Back | 7:40 | not rated | MP3 | 1999 |
Chuck Mangione | Dance On The Windup Toy | Bellavia | 5:05 | not rated | MP3 | 1975 |
Chuck Mangione | Do I Dare To Fall In Love | Journey To A Rainbow | 5:59 | not rated | FLAC | 1982 |
Chuck Mangione | Doin' Everything With You | Live at the Hollywood Bowl | 7:38 | not rated | FLAC | 1978 |
Chuck Mangione | Echano | Children Of Sanchez | 2:43 | not rated | FLAC | 1978 |
Chuck Mangione | Echano | Chase The Clouds Away | 8:31 | not rated | FLAC | 1975 |
Chuck Mangione | El Gato Triste (live) - Chuck Mangione | Land Of Make Believe [Live] | 7:26 | not rated | MP3 | 1973 |
Chuck Mangione | Fanfare | Children Of Sanchez | 1:09 | not rated | FLAC | 1978 |
Chuck Mangione | Feels So Good | Feels So Good | 9:42 | not rated | FLAC | 1977 |
Chuck Mangione | Feels So Good | Chuck Mangione's Finest Hour | 9:39 | not rated | FLAC | 2000 |
Chuck Mangione | Feels So Good | Live at the Hollywood Bowl | 9:17 | not rated | FLAC | 1978 |
Chuck Mangione | Feels So Good [Encore] | Live at the Hollywood Bowl | 3:14 | not rated | FLAC | 1978 |
Chuck Mangione | Floating | Chuck Mangione's Finest Hour | 6:19 | not rated | FLAC | 2000 |
Chuck Mangione | Fotografia - Chuck Mangione | The Feeling's Back | 6:05 | not rated | MP3 | 1999 |
Chuck Mangione | Fox Hunt | Everything For Love | 4:14 | not rated | FLAC | 2000 |
Chuck Mangione | Freddie's Walkin' | Everything For Love | 6:50 | not rated | FLAC | 2000 |
Chuck Mangione | Fun And Games - Chuck Mangione | Fun and Games | 7:12 | not rated | MP3 | 1980 |
Chuck Mangione | Give It All You Got - Chuck Mangione | Fun and Games | 6:17 | not rated | MP3 | 1980 |
Chuck Mangione | Give It All You Got, But Slowly - Chuck Mangione | Fun and Games | 4:27 | not rated | MP3 | 1980 |
Chuck Mangione | He Was A Friend Of Mine | Chase The Clouds Away | 6:25 | not rated | FLAC | 1975 |