Complete list of wjfisk's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
SupertrampSome Things Never ChangeSome Things Never Change6:27not ratedMP31997
SupertrampSooner Or LaterSome Things Never Change6:52not ratedMP31997
SupertrampStill In LoveBrother Where You Bound4:37not ratedMP31985
SupertrampSurelySupertramp0:31not ratedMP31970
SupertrampSurely (bonus)Supertramp3:09not ratedMP31970
SupertrampTake the Long Way HomeParis4:57not ratedFLAC1980
SupertrampTake The Long Way HomeBreakfast In America5:10not ratedMP31979
SupertrampTenth Avenue BreakdownSlow Motion8:58not ratedMP32002
SupertrampThe Logical SongBreakfast In America4:11not ratedMP31979
SupertrampThe Logical SongParis3:56not ratedFLAC1980
SupertrampThe MeaningCrisis? What Crisis5:16not ratedMP31975
SupertrampThing For YouFree As A Bird4:00not ratedMP31987
SupertrampTimes Have ChangedIndelibly Stamped3:51not ratedMP31971
SupertrampTravelledIndelibly Stamped4:29not ratedMP31971
SupertrampTry AgainSupertramp12:05not ratedMP31970
SupertrampTwo of UsParis1:25not ratedFLAC1980
SupertrampTwo Of UsCrisis? What Crisis3:37not ratedMP31975
SupertrampWaiting So Long...Famous Last Words...6:36not ratedMP31982
SupertrampWhere I Stand With YouFree As A Bird3:41not ratedMP31987
SupertrampWhere There's A WillSome Things Never Change5:37not ratedMP31997
SupertrampWords UnspokenSupertramp4:00not ratedMP31970
SupertrampYou Never Can Tell With FriendsFree As A Bird4:18not ratedMP31987
SupertrampYou Started LaughingParis4:02not ratedFLAC1980
SupertrampYou Win, I LoseSome Things Never Change4:32not ratedMP31997
SupertrampYour Poppa Don't MindIndelibly Stamped3:02not ratedMP31971

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