Jay Oliver/Jimmy Buffett/Peter Mayer/Roger Guth/Russ Kunkel, Jimmy Buffett
Barometer Soup (256 kbps)

Jimmy Buffett - Barometer Soup (256 kbps)

  • Release date: 1995
  • Genre: Rock
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 54:38
  • not rated
  • Added March 13, 2014


1. Barometer Soupnot rated4:58
2. Barefoot Childrennot rated4:54
3. Bank of Bad Habitsnot rated3:54
4. Remittance Mannot rated6:00
5. Diamond as Big as the Ritznot rated5:21
6. Blue Heaven Rendezvousnot rated4:03
7. Jimmy Dreamsnot rated3:41
8. Lage Nom Ainot rated3:44
9. Don't Chu-Knownot rated3:50
10. Ballad of Skip Wileynot rated4:35
11. The Night I Painted the Skynot rated5:32
12. Mexiconot rated4:06

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