The Enid (13 albums)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
The EnidAerie Faerie NonsenseCD1/5/1993not rated48:13
The EnidAerie Faerie Nonsense (1977) [FLAC] (1993 Mantella edition)FLAC1977not rated48:13
The EnidAnarchy on 45FLAC1996not rated1:49:26
The EnidLive At HammersmithFLACnot rated58:01
The EnidSix Pieces (1980) [FLAC]FLAC1980not rated55:58
The EnidSundialerCD1/10/1995not rated47:40
The EnidSundialer (1995) [flac]FLAC1995not rated47:40
The EnidTears of the SunFLAC1999not rated1:13:03
The EnidTears of the SunCDnot rated1:13:03
The EnidThe SpellCDnot rated1:06:25
The EnidThe Spell (1985) [flac] {Japan release}FLAC1984not rated1:06:25
The EnidTouch MeCD11/4/2005not rated53:16
The EnidTouch Me (1979) [FLAC]FLAC1979not rated53:16