Blood, Sweat & Tears (11 albums)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Blood, Sweat & Tears3FLAC1970not rated42:49
Blood, Sweat & TearsBlood, Sweat & TearsCDnot rated45:59
Blood, Sweat & TearsBlood, Sweat & TearsFLAC1992*** 1/245:59
Blood, Sweat & TearsBlood, Sweat & Tears 3FLAC1970not rated42:49
Blood, Sweat & TearsChild Is Father To The ManCD1968not rated49:30
Blood, Sweat & TearsLive And ImprovisedFLAC1975not rated1:28:56
Blood, Sweat & TearsNew BloodCD1972not rated40:25
Blood, Sweat & TearsNew BloodFLAC1972not rated40:22
Blood, Sweat & TearsNo SweatCD1973not rated41:14
Blood, Sweat & TearsNo Sweat (1973) [FLAC]FLAC1973not rated41:14
Blood, Sweat & TearsNuclear BluesFLAC1980not rated42:58