Complete list of weasel's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
12centA&B With S&CFat, Drunk and Stupid1:54not ratedCD2000
12centBurnin' In The BarrelFat, Drunk and Stupid1:09not ratedCD2000
12centI Have A Stunt DoubleFat, Drunk and Stupid1:38not ratedCD2000
12centJalapeno Peppa NutzFat, Drunk and Stupid1:45not ratedCD2000
12centRuhoden SacFat, Drunk and Stupid2:04not ratedCD2000
12centSkampigFat, Drunk and Stupid2:05not ratedCD2000
13 Black CoffinsFar From HomePsycho Sounds of the Underground3:05not ratedCD2011
14 Carrots SoldMy FriendToo Much to Handle3:57not ratedCD2001
16Drinking StrychninePogo Strut Slam Swivel + Mosh4:55not ratedCD1996
175R???Stand By You!! (Split)4:34not ratedCD2002
1¢ SpentBedspreadPorked N' Beans3:19not ratedCD2000
1¢ SpentFore Tee FivePorked N' Beans1:59not ratedCD2000
1¢ SpentLeisure WorldPorked N' Beans4:25not ratedCD2000
1¢ SpentRather NotPorked N' Beans4:19not ratedCD2000
1¢ SpentWhite As MelPorked N' Beans3:53not ratedCD2000
1¢ SpentYPorked N' Beans5:10not ratedCD2000
2 1/2 White GuysCan You Feel ThatStill Standing3:19not ratedCD2003
2 Line FillerHomeAt War With Society3:18not ratedCD1998
2-Pump LouieAlien BabyHere Cums.. 2-Pump Louie in the Revenge of the Alien Baby2:13not ratedCD1999
2-Pump LouieBoss Shitkicker Numero Uno (Hey Fucko!)Here Cums.. 2-Pump Louie in the Revenge of the Alien Baby0:38not ratedCD1999
2-Pump LouieDoppelgangerHere Cums.. 2-Pump Louie in the Revenge of the Alien Baby3:17not ratedCD1999
2-Pump LouieEverything to MeHere Cums.. 2-Pump Louie in the Revenge of the Alien Baby2:36not ratedCD1999
2-Pump LouieIt's Not EnoughHere Cums.. 2-Pump Louie in the Revenge of the Alien Baby3:35not ratedCD1999
2-Pump LouieKnockdownHere Cums.. 2-Pump Louie in the Revenge of the Alien Baby2:43not ratedCD1999
2-Pump LouiePoison ParadiseHere Cums.. 2-Pump Louie in the Revenge of the Alien Baby2:34not ratedCD1999

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