Lizzy Borden (12 albums)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Lizzy BordenAppointment With DeathCD10/30/2007not rated
Lizzy BordenBest OfCD6/28/1994not rated
Lizzy BordenDeal With The DevilCD10/10/2000not rated
Lizzy BordenGive 'Em The AxeCD1984not rated11:54
Lizzy BordenLove You To PiecesCD1985not rated
Lizzy BordenMaster Of DisguiseCD1989not rated
Lizzy BordenMenace To SocietyCD1986not rated
Lizzy BordenMy Midnight ThingsCD2018not rated53:31
Lizzy BordenTerror RisingCD1987not rated29:34
Lizzy BordenThe Murderess Metal Road ShowCD1986not rated
Lizzy BordenThe Story So Far...CD2016not rated1:28:31
Lizzy BordenVisual LiesCD1987not rated