The Strength/The Sound/The Songs

Volbeat - The Strength/The Sound/The Songs

  • Release date: 2005
  • Format: CD
  • not rated
  • Added May 27, 2012


1. Caroline Leaving (Caroline, Pt. 2)not rated0:00
2. Another Day, Another Waynot rated0:00
3. Something Else Or...not rated0:00
4. Rebel Monsternot rated0:00
5. Pool Of Booze, Booze, Boozanot rated0:00
6. Always. Wunot rated0:00
7. Say Your Numbernot rated0:00
8. Soulweepernot rated0:00
9. Fire Song (Danny & Lucy Revisited)not rated0:00
10. Danny & Lucy (11 PM)not rated0:00
11. Caroline #1not rated0:00
12. Alienizednot rated0:00
13. I Only Wanna Be With Younot rated0:00
14. Everything's Still Finenot rated0:00
15. Healing Subconsciouslynot rated0:00

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