Complete list of tulga's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Released
ShpongleElectroplasmIneffable Mysteries From Shpongleland10:13not rated2009
ShpongleExhalationNothing Lasts... But Nothing Is Lost2:15not rated2005
ShpongleFalling AwakeNothing Lasts... But Nothing Is Lost1:50not rated2005
ShpongleFlute FruitTales of the Inexpressible2:09not rated2001
ShpongleI Am YouIneffable Mysteries From Shpongleland11:37not rated2009
ShpongleIneffable MysteriesIneffable Mysteries From Shpongleland10:26not rated2009
ShpongleInvisible Man In A Fluorescent SuitIneffable Mysteries From Shpongleland8:54not rated2009
ShpongleInvocationNothing Lasts... But Nothing Is Lost2:39not rated2005
ShpongleLevitation NationNothing Lasts... But Nothing Is Lost3:40not rated2005
ShpongleLinguistic MysticNothing Lasts... But Nothing Is Lost1:36not rated2005
ShpongleMentalismNothing Lasts... But Nothing Is Lost2:54not rated2005
ShpongleMolecular SuperstructureNothing Lasts... But Nothing Is Lost4:47not rated2005
ShpongleMonster HitAre You Shpongled?8:57not rated1999
ShpongleMy Head Feels like a FrisbeeTales of the Inexpressible8:52not rated2001
ShpongleMy Head Feels Like A Frisbee [Delusions of Graneur Remix]Shpongle Remixed7:02not rated2003
ShpongleNo Turn Un-StonedIneffable Mysteries From Shpongleland8:02not rated2009
ShpongleNothing Is Something Worth DoingIneffable Mysteries From Shpongleland6:24not rated2009
ShpongleNothing Lasts...Nothing Lasts... But Nothing Is Lost4:28not rated2005
ShpongleOnce Upon A Time The Sea Of Blissful AwarenessBuddha-Bar VIII6:51not rated2006
ShpongleOnce Upon The Sea Of Blissful (Esionjim Remix)Shpongle Remixed6:55not rated2003
ShpongleOnce Upon the Sea of Blissful AwarenessTales of the Inexpressible7:30not rated2001
ShpongleOuter ShpongoliaNothing Lasts... But Nothing Is Lost2:32not rated2005
ShponglePeriscopes Of ConsciousnessNothing Lasts... But Nothing Is Lost1:53not rated2005
ShpongleRoom 23Tales of the Inexpressible5:05not rated2001
ShpongleSchmaltz HerringNothing Lasts... But Nothing Is Lost2:20not rated2005

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