Various artists
Great Moments of Opera [Vol 2]

Various artists - Great Moments of Opera [Vol 2]

  • Release date: 1993
  • Genre: Opera
  • Category: Classical
  • Duration: 1:10:28
  • not rated
  • Added February 22, 2004


1. Puccini - La Bohemnot rated4:06
2. Verdi - Aidanot rated6:02
3. Wagner - Mastersingers of Nurembergnot rated2:43
4. Bizet - Carmennot rated2:56
5. Bordin - Prince Igornot rated12:09
6. Verdi - La Traviatanot rated3:36
7. Rossini - The Italian in Algersnot rated6:51
8. Thomas - Mignonnot rated2:46
9. Gluck - Orpheus and Eurydicenot rated3:38
10. Mozart - Don Giovanninot rated3:27
11. Puccini - Toscanot rated2:45
12. Puccini - Gianni Schiccinot rated2:22
13. Rossini - Overture from Semiramisnot rated12:52
14. Verdi - Rigolettonot rated4:15

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