Complete list of tomlom's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Kathleen EdwardsMariaFailer3:45not ratedCD2003
Kathleen EdwardsMercuryFailer3:31not ratedCD2003
Kathleen EdwardsNational SteelFailer4:51not ratedCD2003
Kathleen EdwardsOh CanadaAsking For Flowers3:59not ratedCD2008
Kathleen EdwardsOil Man's WarAsking For Flowers4:01not ratedCD2008
Kathleen EdwardsOld Time SakeBack to Me4:59not ratedCD2005
Kathleen EdwardsOne More Song the Radio Won't LikeFailer4:24not ratedCD2003
Kathleen EdwardsOptions OpenTotal Freedom3:48not ratedCD2020
Kathleen EdwardsPink Emerson RadioBack to Me4:25not ratedCD2005
Kathleen EdwardsRunAsking For Flowers3:43not ratedCD2008
Kathleen EdwardsScared At NightAsking For Flowers4:09not ratedCD2008
Kathleen EdwardsSimple MathTotal Freedom4:15not ratedCD2020
Kathleen EdwardsSix O'Clock NewsFailer4:36not ratedCD2003
Kathleen EdwardsSomewhere ElseBack to Me3:47not ratedCD2005
Kathleen EdwardsSummer LongBack to Me4:06not ratedCD2005
Kathleen EdwardsSure As ShitAsking For Flowers4:09not ratedCD2008
Kathleen EdwardsSweet Little DuckFailer4:28not ratedCD2003
Kathleen EdwardsTake It With You When You GoTotal Freedom3:56not ratedCD2020
Kathleen EdwardsThe Cheapest KeyAsking For Flowers2:42not ratedCD2008
Kathleen EdwardsThe Lone WolfFailer4:55not ratedCD2003
Kathleen EdwardsWestbyFailer2:26not ratedCD2003
Kathleen EdwardsWhat Are You Waiting ForBack to Me4:43not ratedCD2005
Kathleen EdwardsWho Rescued WhoTotal Freedom2:23not ratedCD2020
Kathy MatteaDown On The CornerRight Out Of Nowhere3:33not ratedCD2006
Kathy MatteaGimme ShelterRight Out Of Nowhere4:15not ratedCD2006

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