Todd Rundgren (34 albums)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Todd Rundgren2nd WindMP31991not rated54:07
Todd RundgrenA Capella TourMP3not rated1:37:45
Todd RundgrenA CappellaMP31985not rated40:00
Todd RundgrenA Wizard, A True StarMP31973not rated56:02
Todd RundgrenAnother Side Of RoxyMP3not rated1:08:23
Todd RundgrenAnthology (1968-1985)MP31989not rated1:46:36
Todd RundgrenBack to the BarsMP32000not rated1:43:22
Todd RundgrenEver Popular Tortured Artist EffectMP31999not rated34:22
Todd RundgrenFaithfulMP31976not rated50:24
Todd RundgrenFree Soul RuntMP31998not rated1:18:06
Todd RundgrenHealingMP31990not rated53:58
Todd RundgrenHermit of Mink HollowMP31978not rated35:28
Todd RundgrenInitiationMP31975not rated1:07:27
Todd RundgrenKing Biscuit Flower Hour Presents in ConcertMP32000not rated1:10:40
Todd RundgrenLiarsMP32004not rated1:14:14
Todd RundgrenLive In Chicago '91MP3not rated2:10:13
Todd RundgrenLive In NYC '78MP3not rated50:25
Todd RundgrenNearly HumanMP31989not rated53:17
Todd RundgrenNo World OrderMP31993not rated53:11
Todd RundgrenNo World Order LiteMP31994not rated40:22
Todd RundgrenOne Long YearMP32000not rated42:48
Todd RundgrenRaritiesMP3not rated1:12:50
Todd RundgrenReconstructedMP32001not rated58:23
Todd RundgrenRuntMP31970not rated40:36
Todd RundgrenRunt (Ampex LP)MP31970not rated46:37
Todd RundgrenRunt: The Ballad of Todd RundgrenMP31971not rated41:30
Todd RundgrenSomething/Anything?MP31972not rated1:29:20
Todd RundgrenSomething/Anything?FLAC1972not rated43:17
Todd RundgrenSomething/Anything?FLAC1972not rated45:59
Todd RundgrenTR - London 1994MP32002not rated1:34:42
Todd RundgrenThe Best of Todd Rundgren LiveMP32005not rated1:01:29
Todd RundgrenThe Todd Rundgren Radio ShowMP31972not rated1:00:11
Todd RundgrenToddMP31991not rated1:06:50
Todd RundgrenWith a TwistMP31997not rated42:56