Led Zeppelin (10 albums)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Led Zeppelin1973-01-22 Southampton UKFLACnot rated2:32:26
Led ZeppelinCodaFLAC1982not rated33:01
Led ZeppelinHouses Of The Holy (Polygram) FLACFLAC1994not rated41:00
Led ZeppelinIn Through the Out DoorFLAC1979not rated42:35
Led ZeppelinLed Zeppelin IIIFLAC1970not rated42:59
Led ZeppelinLed Zeppelin IIIFLAC1970not rated43:01
Led ZeppelinPresenceFLAC1976not rated44:28
Led ZeppelinThe Song Remains The Same (Remastered / Expanded) (2CD)FLAC2007not rated1:00:30
Led ZeppelinThe Song Remains the SameMP31990not rated1:39:37
Led ZeppelinThe_Song_Remains_The_Same__Remastered_+_Expanded__-_Disc_2_of_2FLAC2007not rated1:11:25