Lee Morgan (30 albums)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Lee MorganCaramba!CDR1968not rated44:44
Lee MorganCaramba!CD1968not rated44:44
Lee MorganCharismaCDR1966not rated38:45
Lee MorganCharismaCD1966not rated38:45
Lee MorganCornbreadCD1965not rated39:09
Lee MorganDelightfuleeCD1966not rated1:08:07
Lee MorganDizzy AtmosphereCD1957not rated55:02
Lee MorganEight Classic AlbumsCD box setnot rated4:54:33
Lee MorganExpoobidentCDR1960not rated1:09:47
Lee MorganFour Classic Albums2CDnot rated2:31:05
Lee MorganInfinityCDR1965not rated41:22
Lee MorganLee-WayCD1960not rated39:25
Lee MorganLive at the Lighthouse CD1CDR1970not rated1:01:22
Lee MorganLive at the Lighthouse CD2CDR1970not rated1:04:51
Lee MorganLive at the Lighthouse CD3CDR1970not rated55:50
Lee MorganPeckin' TimeCD1958not rated1:02:19
Lee MorganSearch for the New LandCD1964not rated42:18
Lee MorganSonic BoomCDR1967not rated1:14:19
Lee MorganTake TwelveCD1962not rated48:15
Lee MorganTaruCD1968not rated38:09
Lee MorganThe CookerCD1957not rated46:42
Lee MorganThe GigoloCD1965not rated47:32
Lee MorganThe GigoloCDR1965not rated47:32
Lee MorganThe Last SessionCD1971not rated1:07:01
Lee MorganThe ProcrastinatorCD1967not rated40:29
Lee MorganThe RumprollerCD1965not rated48:18
Lee MorganThe SidewinderCD1963not rated50:40
Lee MorganThe Sixth SenseCD1967not rated56:35
Lee MorganTom CatCD1964not rated41:23
Lee MorganVolume 3CD1957not rated44:48