The Kinks (11 albums)

Artist Title Released Rating Duration
The KinksArthur Or The Decline And Fall Of The British Empire1969not rated1:19:20
The KinksEverybody's In Showbiznot rated33:03
The KinksEverybody's In Showbiz1972not rated2:02:27
The KinksFace To Face1966not rated59:38
The KinksLow Budget1979not rated59:31
The KinksMisfits1978not rated55:36
The KinksMuswell Hillbillies1971not rated36:20
The KinksMuswell Hillbilliesnot rated15:19
The KinksSleepwalkernot rated40:07
The KinksSleepwalker1977not rated20:03
The KinksSomething Elsenot rated57:55