The Go-Betweens (10 albums)

Artist Title Released Rating Duration
The Go-Betweens16 Lovers Lane1988not rated37:04
The Go-BetweensBefore Hollywood1983not rated39:03
The Go-BetweensBright Yellow Bright Orange2003not rated38:58
The Go-BetweensLiberty Belle and the Black Diamond Express1986not rated36:47
The Go-BetweensOceans Apart2005not rated1:05:10
The Go-BetweensSend Me A Lullaby1981not rated1:08:44
The Go-BetweensSpring Hill Fair1984not rated40:28
The Go-BetweensTallulah1987not rated39:01
The Go-BetweensThat Striped Sunlight Sound2005not rated1:09:53
The Go-BetweensThe Friends of Rachel Worth2000not rated39:47