Joe Cocker

Joe Cocker - Stingray

  • Release date: 1976
  • Duration: 45:44
  • not rated
  • Added October 18, 2008


1. Bobby Charles - The Jealous Kindnot rated3:51
2. I Broke Downnot rated3:29
3. You Came Alongnot rated3:50
4. Bob Dylan - Jacques Levy - Catfishnot rated5:24
5. Moon Dewnot rated5:53
6. Bob Dylan - The Man in menot rated2:43
7. She Is my Ladynot rated4:37
8. Worriernot rated3:16
9. Born Thru Indifferencenot rated6:15
10. Leon Russel - A Song for younot rated6:26

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