The New Pornographers

The New Pornographers - Challengers

  • Release date: 2007
  • Genre: Rock
  • Duration: 48:44
  • not rated
  • Added October 18, 2008


1. My Rights Versus Yoursnot rated4:17
2. All the Old Showstoppersnot rated4:08
3. Challengersnot rated3:31
4. Myriad Harbournot rated4:00
5. All the Things That Go to Make Heaven and Earthnot rated3:09
6. Failsafenot rated2:37
7. Unguidednot rated6:33
8. Entering White Cecilianot rated3:28
9. Go Placesnot rated4:32
10. Mutiny, I Promise Younot rated4:12
11. Adventures in Solitudenot rated4:16
12. The Spirit of Givingnot rated4:01

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