Hayes, Isaac (Isaac Hayes)
Tough Guys

Hayes, Isaac (Isaac Hayes) - Tough Guys

  • Release date: 1974
  • Genre: Funk / Soul/Soundtrack
  • Format: MP3
  • Category: rock
  • Duration: 33:49
  • not rated
  • Added September 15, 2019


1. Title Themenot rated2:35
2. Kidnappednot rated4:27
3. Run Fay Runnot rated4:07
4. The Red Roosternot rated4:59
5. Joe Bellnot rated6:18
6. Hung Up On My Babynot rated2:43
7. Randolph & Dearbornnot rated2:48
8. Buns O' Plentynot rated4:39
9. The End Themenot rated1:13

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