Poi Dog Pondering
Wishing Like a Mountain and Thinking Like the Sea

Poi Dog Pondering - Wishing Like a Mountain and Thinking Like the Sea

  • Release date: 1990
  • Genre: Alternative/Hawaiian Music
  • Format: MP3
  • Category: rock
  • Duration: 57:26
  • not rated
  • Added December 31, 2010


1. Bury Me Deepnot rated4:54
2. Watermelon Songnot rated5:14
3. U-Li-La-Lunot rated3:59
4. Everybody's Tryingnot rated5:03
5. Big Beautiful Spoonnot rated4:18
6. The Ancient Egyptiansnot rated3:06
7. Spending the Day in the Shirt You Worenot rated3:31
8. Thanksgivingnot rated4:29
9. Praise the Lordnot rated2:56
10. The Me That Was Your Sonnot rated3:58
11. Fruitlessnot rated4:34
12. Big Walknot rated4:47
13. Sugarbush Cushmannot rated6:32

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