Amon Amarth (10 albums, 1 bookmark)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Amon AmarthDeceiver of the GodsCD6/25/2013*** 1/247:57
Amon AmarthFate of NornsCD9/7/2004****40:00
Amon AmarthOnce Sent From the Golden HallCD2/12/1998not rated44:46
Amon AmarthSurtur RisingCD3/29/2011****48:44
Amon AmarthThe Arrival of the Fimbul WinterCD1994not rated14:08
Amon AmarthThe AvengerCD7/27/1999not rated41:19
Amon AmarthThe CrusherCD5/8/2001not rated49:28
Amon AmarthTwilight of the Thunder GodCD9/30/2008****43:28
Amon AmarthVersus the WorldCD11/18/2002****2:02:14
Amon AmarthWith Oden on Our SideCD9/25/2006****42:17
