Blood and Belief

Blaze - Blood and Belief

  • Release date: 4/26/2004
  • Genre: Heavy Metal
  • Format: CD
  • Category: metal
  • Duration: 51:37
  • ***
  • Added December 27, 2004


1. Bayley, Wray, Slater - Alivenot rated4:09
2. Bayley, Wray, Slater - Ten Secondsnot rated4:31
3. Bayley, Wray, Slater - Blood and Beliefnot rated6:34
4. Bayley, Wray, Slater - Life and Deathnot rated5:13
5. Bayley, Wray, Slater - Tearing Yourself to Piecesnot rated5:50
6. Bayley, Wray, Slater - Hollow Headnot rated4:03
7. Bayley, Wray, Slater - Will to Winnot rated4:55
8. Bayley, Wray, Slater - Regretnot rated5:54
9. Bayley, Wray, Slater - The Path and the Waynot rated4:55
10. Bayley, Slater - Soundtrack to My Lifenot rated5:33

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