Contradictions Collapse

Meshuggah - Contradictions Collapse

  • Release date: 1991
  • Genre: Heavy Metal/Progressive Death Metal
  • Format: CD
  • Category: metal
  • Duration: 56:33
  • ****
  • Added August 7, 2004


1. Thordendal, Kidman - Paralyzing Ignorancenot rated4:28
2. Thordendal, Sjögren - Erroneous Manipulationnot rated6:20
3. Thordendal, Kidman, Haake - Abnegating Cecitynot rated6:31
4. Thordendal, Kidman - Internal Evidencenot rated7:26
5. Thordendal, Kidman - Qualms of Realitynot rated7:09
6. Kidman, Lundgren - We'll Never See the Daynot rated6:03
7. Thordendal, Kidman - Greednot rated7:05
8. Thordendal, Haake - Choirs of Devastationnot rated4:00
9. Thordendal, Kidman, Lundgren - Cadaverous Masticationnot rated7:31

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