The Flower Kings
Adam & Eve

The Flower Kings - Adam & Eve

  • Release date: 8/3/2004
  • Genre: Rock n Roll/Progressive Rock
  • Format: CD
  • Category: rock
  • Duration: 1:17:53
  • *****
  • Added March 23, 2005


1. Stolt - Love Supremenot rated19:50
2. Stolt - Cosmic Circusnot rated3:00
3. Bodin - Babylonnot rated2:41
4. Stolt - A Vampires Viewnot rated8:50
5. Bodin - Days Gone Bynot rated1:10
6. Stolt - Adam & Evenot rated7:50
7. Stolt - Starlight Mannot rated3:30
8. Stolt, Reingard - Timelinesnot rated7:40
9. Stolt - Drivers Seatnot rated18:22
10. Stolt - The Blade of Cainnot rated5:00

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