Valley of the Damned

Dragonforce - Valley of the Damned

  • Release date: 1/27/2003
  • Genre: Heavy Metal/Power Metal
  • Format: CD
  • Category: metal
  • Duration: 51:35
  • ****
  • Added December 27, 2004


1. Invocation of the Apocalyptic Evilnot rated0:15
2. Theart, Totman - Valley of the Damnednot rated6:58
3. Theart, Totman - Black Firenot rated5:49
4. Theart, Totman - Black Winter Nightnot rated6:33
5. Theart, Totman - Starfirenot rated5:46
6. Theart, Li - Disciples of Babylonnot rated7:09
7. Theart, Totman - Revelationsnot rated6:59
8. Theart, Li - Evening Starnot rated6:41
9. Theart, Totman - Heart of a Dragonnot rated5:25

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