Dream Theater
Images and Words

Dream Theater - Images and Words

  • Release date: 1992
  • Genre: Heavy Metal/Progressive Metal
  • Format: CD
  • Category: metal
  • Duration: 56:55
  • *****
  • Added January 2, 2005


1. Petrucci, LaBrie, Myung, Portnoy, Moore - Pull Me Undernot rated8:11
2. Petrucci, LaBrie, Myung, Portnoy, Moore - Another Daynot rated4:22
3. Petrucci, LaBrie, Myung, Portnoy, Moore - Take the Timenot rated8:21
4. Petrucci, LaBrie, Myung, Portnoy, Moore - Surroundednot rated5:28
5. Petrucci, LaBrie, Myung, Portnoy, Moore - Metropolis, Part I: "The Miracle and the Sleeper"not rated9:30
6. Petrucci, LaBrie, Myung, Portnoy, Moore - Under a Glass Moonnot rated7:02
7. Moore - Wait for Sleepnot rated2:31
8. Petrucci, LaBrie, Myung, Portnoy, Moore - Learning to Livenot rated11:30

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