Complete list of the-bluesclub's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Released
O.V. WrightLong RoadBottom Linenot rated6/25/2008
O.V. WrightLove and HappinessLive in Japannot rated1/27/2004
O.V. WrightMedley: God Blessed Our Love/When a Man Loves a Woman/That's How StroInto Something (Can't Shake Loose)not rated8/14/2006
O.V. WrightMirror Of My SoulWe're Still Togethernot rated1979
O.V. WrightNo Easy Way to Say GoodbyeBottom Linenot rated6/25/2008
O.V. WrightPrecious, PreciousInto Something (Can't Shake Loose)not rated8/14/2006
O.V. WrightPrecious, PreciousLive in Japannot rated1/27/2004
O.V. WrightSacrificeWe're Still Togethernot rated1979
O.V. WrightSince You Left These Arms of MineBottom Linenot rated6/25/2008
O.V. WrightThat's How Strong My Love IsLive in Japannot rated1/27/2004
O.V. WrightThat's the Way I Feel About 'ChaBottom Linenot rated6/25/2008
O.V. WrightThe Hurt Is OnWe're Still Togethernot rated1979
O.V. WrightTime We HaveInto Something (Can't Shake Loose)not rated8/14/2006
O.V. WrightToday I Sing The BluesWe're Still Togethernot rated1979
O.V. WrightTrying to Live My Life Without YouInto Something (Can't Shake Loose)not rated8/14/2006
O.V. WrightWe're Still TogetherWe're Still Togethernot rated1979
O.V. WrightWhen a Man Loves a WomanLive in Japannot rated1/27/2004
O.V. WrightYou Gotta Have LoveInto Something (Can't Shake Loose)not rated8/14/2006
O.V. WrightYou're Gonna Make Me CryLive in Japannot rated1/27/2004
O.V. WrightYour Good Thing Is About to EndBottom Linenot rated6/25/2008
ObergBlack spiderBlues As Blues Can Get3:31not rated2009
ObergBlues as blues can getBlues As Blues Can Get5:36not rated2009
ObergHead up highBlues As Blues Can Get6:37not rated2009
ObergIf you don't knowBlues As Blues Can Get3:12not rated2009
ObergLast stationBlues As Blues Can Get2:46not rated2009

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