Complete list of the-bluesclub's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Released
New Orleans NightcrawlersSidewalk StrutNew Orleans Nightcrawlers [CD on Demand]not rated2/2/2009
New Orleans NightcrawlersTchfunktaNew Orleans Nightcrawlers [CD on Demand]not rated2/2/2009
New Orleans NightcrawlersThursday Morning RevivalNew Orleans Nightcrawlers [CD on Demand]not rated2/2/2009
New York-Georgia SingersNow What a Time - New York-Georgia Singers (1943)Field Recordings - Vol. 14 (1943 - 1950)4:16not rated2004
Nick Cave & the Bad SeedsBrother, My Cup Is EmptyHenry's Dreamnot rated4/27/1992
Nick Cave & the Bad SeedsChristina the AstonishingHenry's Dreamnot rated4/27/1992
Nick Cave & the Bad SeedsI Had a Dream, JoeHenry's Dreamnot rated4/27/1992
Nick Cave & the Bad SeedsJack the RipperHenry's Dreamnot rated4/27/1992
Nick Cave & the Bad SeedsJohn Finn's WifeHenry's Dreamnot rated4/27/1992
Nick Cave & the Bad SeedsLoom of the LandHenry's Dreamnot rated4/27/1992
Nick Cave & the Bad SeedsPapa Won't Leave You, HenryHenry's Dreamnot rated4/27/1992
Nick Cave & the Bad SeedsStraight to YouHenry's Dreamnot rated4/27/1992
Nick Cave & the Bad SeedsWhen I First Came to TownHenry's Dreamnot rated4/27/1992
Nick Cave And Warren EllisAnother Rather Lovely ThingThe Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford]not rated2/5/2008
Nick Cave And Warren EllisCarnivalThe Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford]not rated2/5/2008
Nick Cave And Warren EllisCounting The StarsThe Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford]not rated2/5/2008
Nick Cave And Warren EllisCowgirlThe Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford]not rated2/5/2008
Nick Cave And Warren EllisDestined For Great ThingsThe Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford]not rated2/5/2008
Nick Cave And Warren EllisFallingThe Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford]not rated2/5/2008
Nick Cave And Warren EllisLast Ride Back To KCThe Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford]not rated2/5/2008
Nick Cave And Warren EllisMoving OnThe Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford]not rated2/5/2008
Nick Cave And Warren EllisRather Lovely ThingThe Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford]not rated2/5/2008
Nick Cave And Warren EllisSong For BobThe Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford]not rated2/5/2008
Nick Cave And Warren EllisSong For JesseThe Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford]not rated2/5/2008
Nick Cave And Warren EllisThe Money TrainThe Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford]not rated2/5/2008

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