Complete list of the-bluesclub's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Released
Mudfork BluesHardly Workin' ManRiver Cities Live4:54not rated2006
Mudfork BluesHotfingersRiver Cities Live3:16not rated2006
Mudfork BluesHound DogRiver Cities Live4:05not rated2006
Mudfork BluesKansas CityRiver Cities Live4:04not rated2006
Mudfork BluesLittle EngineRiver Cities Live3:57not rated2006
Mudfork BluesWalkin'River Cities Live3:32not rated2006
Murphy Brothers Harp BandBoat Song March - Murphy Brothers Harp BandTimes Ain't Like They Used To Be - Vol 53:02not rated2002
Murray HeadBoats AwaySay It Ain't Sonot rated7/22/2002
Murray HeadBoy on the BridgeSay It Ain't Sonot rated7/22/2002
Murray HeadDon't Forget Him NowSay It Ain't Sonot rated7/22/2002
Murray HeadNever Even ThoughtSay It Ain't Sonot rated7/22/2002
Murray HeadSay It Ain't So, JoeSay It Ain't Sonot rated7/22/2002
Murray HeadShe's Such a DragSay It Ain't Sonot rated7/22/2002
Murray HeadSilence Is a Strong ReplySay It Ain't Sonot rated7/22/2002
Murray HeadSomeone's Rocking My DreamboatSay It Ain't Sonot rated7/22/2002
Murray HeadWhen I'm YoursSay It Ain't Sonot rated7/22/2002
Murray HeadYou're So TastySay It Ain't Sonot rated7/22/2002
Muskee'Sky Songs' On The Spot'Sky Songs' On The Spot4:55not rated
MuskeeArmadillo On Elmstreet'Sky Songs' On The Spot3:38not rated
MuskeeAt The End Of the Bar'Sky Songs' On The Spot4:42not rated
MuskeeBluesman'Sky Songs' On The Spot4:18not rated
MuskeeIt's Your Thing'Sky Songs' On The Spot4:29not rated
MuskeeLost In Myself'Sky Songs' On The Spot8:11not rated
MuskeeNo News'Sky Songs' On The Spot5:13not rated
MuskeeOne More'Sky Songs' On The Spot3:51not rated

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