Complete list of the-bluesclub's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Released
Jw JonesGamesMidnight Memphis Sunnot rated8/10/2010
Jw JonesGot Me Chasin'Kissing in 29 Daysnot rated4/18/2006
Jw JonesHallelujah I Love Her SoKissing in 29 Daysnot rated4/18/2006
Jw JonesHeavy DosageBluelistednot rated8/18/2008
Jw JonesHere She ComesKissing in 29 Daysnot rated4/18/2006
Jw JonesHey GirlKissing in 29 Daysnot rated4/18/2006
Jw JonesHowlin' with HubertMidnight Memphis Sunnot rated8/10/2010
Jw JonesI Don't Go for ThatMidnight Memphis Sunnot rated8/10/2010
Jw JonesI Don't KnowMy Kind of Evilnot rated6/12/2007
Jw JonesI Don't Want to HearKissing in 29 Daysnot rated4/18/2006
Jw JonesKissin' in MemphisMidnight Memphis Sunnot rated8/10/2010
Jw JonesKissing in 29 DaysKissing in 29 Daysnot rated4/18/2006
Jw JonesLet's Have a BallMy Kind of Evilnot rated6/12/2007
Jw JonesLooking the World Straight in the EyeBluelistednot rated8/18/2008
Jw JonesLove Grows ColdMidnight Memphis Sunnot rated8/10/2010
Jw JonesMad About YouBluelistednot rated8/18/2008
Jw JonesMake a MoveMidnight Memphis Sunnot rated8/10/2010
Jw JonesMean StreakMidnight Memphis Sunnot rated8/10/2010
Jw JonesMy Kind of EvilMy Kind of Evilnot rated6/12/2007
Jw JonesNo LoveKissing in 29 Daysnot rated4/18/2006
Jw JonesNothing on MeMy Kind of Evilnot rated6/12/2007
Jw JonesOff the MarketMidnight Memphis Sunnot rated8/10/2010
Jw JonesOut of Service BluesBluelistednot rated8/18/2008
Jw JonesParasomniaKissing in 29 Daysnot rated4/18/2006
Jw JonesPretty Little Sweet ThingKissing in 29 Daysnot rated4/18/2006

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