Complete list of the-bluesclub's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Released
J.B. LenoirMove To Kansas CityThe Topical Bluesman - From Korea To Viet Nam0:26not rated1991
J.B. LenoirNatural ManThe Topical Bluesman - From Korea To Viet Nam2:34not rated1991
J.B. LenoirNatural ManIf You Love Menot rated10/19/2004
J.B. LenoirPeople Are Meddling (In Our Affairs)I Feel So Good: The 1951-54 J.O.B. Sessionsnot rated1/27/2004
J.B. LenoirSittin' Down Thinkin'If You Love Menot rated10/19/2004
J.B. LenoirSitting Down ThinkingThe Topical Bluesman - From Korea To Viet Nam2:57not rated1991
J.B. LenoirSlow Down Woman [Take 1]I Feel So Good: The 1951-54 J.O.B. Sessionsnot rated1/27/2004
J.B. LenoirSlow Down Woman [Take 2]I Feel So Good: The 1951-54 J.O.B. Sessionsnot rated1/27/2004
J.B. LenoirTalk To Your DaughterAlabama Blues2:47not rated1995
J.B. LenoirThe Mojo BoogieAlabama Blues2:18not rated1995
J.B. LenoirThe Mojo [Take 1]I Feel So Good: The 1951-54 J.O.B. Sessionsnot rated1/27/2004
J.B. LenoirThe Mojo [Take 4]I Feel So Good: The 1951-54 J.O.B. Sessionsnot rated1/27/2004
J.B. LenoirThe MountainI Feel So Good: The 1951-54 J.O.B. Sessionsnot rated1/27/2004
J.B. LenoirThe Whale Has Swallowed MeAlabama Blues2:28not rated1995
J.B. LenoirVietnamAlabama Blues2:43not rated1995
J.B. LenoirVoodoo BoogieThe Topical Bluesman - From Korea To Viet Nam2:01not rated1991
J.B. LenoirWe Got to Realize (We Can't Go on This Way)If You Love Menot rated10/19/2004
J.B. LenoirWhat Have I DoneIf You Love Menot rated10/19/2004
J.B. LenoirWhen I'm DrinkingThe Topical Bluesman - From Korea To Viet Nam2:38not rated1991
J.C.MellencampJ.C.Mellencamp - Saw Mama Kissing Santa ClausSanta Plays The Blues Vol 22:34not rated2009
J.D. CashBaby You Got ItTriple Shot Of Rhythm & Blues2:34not rated1998
J.D. CashFifty - FiftyTriple Shot Of Rhythm & Blues2:57not rated1998
J.D. CashJesus Is Your Ticket To HeavenTriple Shot Of Rhythm & Blues3:41not rated1998
J.D. CashLover's HolidayTriple Shot Of Rhythm & Blues4:17not rated1998
J.D. CashMy Dancin' ShoesTriple Shot Of Rhythm & Blues2:47not rated1998

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