Complete list of the-bluesclub's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Released
J.B. HuttoLinda LuLive At Shaboo Inn, Conn. 19794:23not rated1991
J.B. HuttoLittle Girl Dressed in BlueRock with Me Tonightnot rated7/13/1999
J.B. HuttoLone WolfSlidin' The Blues6:08not rated2002
J.B. HuttoLone WolfSlideslingernot rated10/1/1992
J.B. HuttoLonely HeartachesStompin' at Mother Bluesnot rated12/14/2004
J.B. HuttoLong Distance CallHip Shakin' [Wolf] [Austria]6:14not rated2000
J.B. HuttoLook at the Yonder Wall [#][*]Slideslingernot rated10/1/1992
J.B. HuttoLook On Yonder WallSlidin' The Blues3:47not rated2002
J.B. HuttoLove Retirement (Want Ad)Keeper of the Flamenot rated6/17/1998
J.B. HuttoLove Retirement (Want Ad)Stompin' at Mother Bluesnot rated12/14/2004
J.B. HuttoLula Belle's HereSlideslingernot rated10/1/1992
J.B. HuttoLulu Belle's HereSlidin' The Blues3:41not rated2002
J.B. HuttoMarried Woman BluesStompin' at Mother Bluesnot rated12/14/2004
J.B. HuttoMilkman BluesHip Shakin' [Wolf] [Austria]3:39not rated2000
J.B. HuttoMistake In LifeHip Shakin' [Wolf] [Austria]6:02not rated2000
J.B. HuttoMy Heart Is Achin' To Love YouSlidin' The Blues4:13not rated2002
J.B. HuttoMy Heart Is Achin' to Love YouSlideslingernot rated10/1/1992
J.B. HuttoMy Kind Of WomanBlues For Fonessa3:38not rated
J.B. HuttoMy SoulStompin' at Mother Bluesnot rated12/14/2004
J.B. HuttoNew Hawk WalkRock with Me Tonightnot rated7/13/1999
J.B. HuttoNo Good ManKeeper of the Flamenot rated6/17/1998
J.B. HuttoPlease Don't Leave MeKeeper of the Flamenot rated6/17/1998
J.B. HuttoPlease HelpSlideslingernot rated10/1/1992
J.B. HuttoPlease HelpSlidin' The Blues6:12not rated2002
J.B. HuttoPrecious StoneSlidewindernot rated9/18/1993

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